Ishan Institute of Law providing free legal aid to the people who are in need of justice. Legal aid is the provision of assistance to people otherwise unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system.
Legal Services includes providing Free Legal Aid to those weaker sections of the society whofall within the purview of Section 12 of the Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. It also entails creating legal awareness by spreading legal literacy through legal awareness camps, print media, digital media and organizing Lok Adalats for the amicable settlement of disputes which are either pending or which are yet to be filed, by way of compromise. Legal services also encompasses facilitating the beneficiaries to get their entitlements under various government schemes, policies and legislations.
Free legal aid is the provision of free legal services in civil and criminal matters for those poor and marginalized people who cannot afford the services of a lawyer for the conduct of a case or a legal proceeding in any Court, Tribunal or Authority.
According to Section 13 (1) of the Act, any individual who satisfies any criteria under Section 12 is entitled to receive legal services, provided that the concerned Legal Services Authority is satisfied that such person has a genuine case to prosecute or defend the matter. There is no bar as to which kind of cases one can apply and not apply for. All kinds of cases are included as long as the individual satisfies the eligibility under Section 12 of the Act.
Ishan Institute of Law providing legal aid aims to create more equity in the sphere of legal practices, aid offered is often limited in its quality and dedicated in providing the free legal aid services to the people who face problems in getting justice due to the financial conditions.
Legal Aid cell is aimed at disseminating legal awareness amongst the students as well as in the society at large and to help the poor and needy people by extending free legal services through Legal Aid Cell established by Institute. The cell is also dedicated to ensure clinical legal education of the students by organising Legal Aid Camps, Jail Visits, Police Station Visits, Lawyer’s Chambers Visits, Court Visits, etc.