Research Aim and Scope

Aims & Scope

Ishan Law journal is a peer-reviewed, open-accessed journal of Ishan Institute of law. The journal is published yearly and is available in digital form. We focus on authentic and qualitative research work. The journals publish articles, notes and comments, book review, research papers related to legal and connected socio-legal issues. The aim of Ishan Law Journal is to provide a platform and to promote Research on concurrent legal and socio-legal issues.

Scope of Journal

  • ILJ provides a platform for authentic and original work of the law students, professors, and researchers.
  • ILJ provides quick & easy paper publication process so that authors are motivated to focus only on research leaving the hassle of publication behind.
  • ILJ provides for a detailed review by a significant and knowledgeable editorial and review board before publication for avoiding copying and duplicity.

  Ethical Considerations 

  • The manuscript submitted must be original and unpublished work and in confirmation with our ethical policies.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject or edit any article whose content is offensive or defamatory, explicitly unethical or if it supports racism, sexual or religious discrimination, illegal activities, or terrorism; similarly, an article may be refused if the Board deems that it might harm the political or religious sensitivity of interested readers in any manner.
  • Authors must seek permission for all copyrighted material that they seek to use in their work. Authors are responsible for observing copyright laws when quoting or reproducing material